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15 days of Productivity Holiday Calendar

It’s that magical time of the year again. Winter has come. The end of the year is near.

Now, children and adults alike are living in anticipation for the the magic December brings with it.

Unfortunately, the holidays are still a few weeks away. That means for those of us working in an office or remotely in their PJs by their cat, the stress levels are rising.

You may even say “Screw this, there’s no magic coming. Only deadlines.”

We feel you.

The solution is this Holiday Calendar of Productivity. Check it out.

Many of us are worried about getting things done before the year’s end. We’re frustrated by the need to finish our quarterly OKRs. Not to mention an increased heart rate thinking about the end of the year review that is inevitably coming our way.

Instead of going crazy, Weekdone decided to get it together and help this year.

Both you and ourselves.

For this, we called upon the holiday magic, and enlisted the help of our dear friend Derrek, a squirrel, living deep in the woods, who is also worried about getting things done before the holiday.


There are many things Derrek has to do before the winter festivities. Like many of us, he’d rather sleep, chill, and watch Netflix. However, he is a determined little fellow.

With the help of his friend, the Wise Old Owl, they will share tips and tricks on how to get everything done fast, so that all of us can be home for holidays and relax before 2017 arrives.

We present The Holiday Calendar of Productivity.


Over the next 3 weeks each workday, Derrek and his friends will offer you a motivating productivity tip. You can check the calendar daily, but it’s easier to just have them sent to your email.

For those who subscribe to our squirrel productivity tips, there are also a few presents you might find. Also sharing the squirrels will help you win a $50 Amazon gift card.

Derrek and his forest friends are brought to life by Weekdone goal setting app, which strives to increase productivity every day of the year. Try it out.

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