Since Weekdone launched, we’ve been enjoying making life easier for thousands of people all around the globe. However, we’re not content with standing on top. We want to stay hungry and fresh. We want to climb higher. That’s where your ideas and support prove most valuable.
Every day, we receive an astounding amount of letters from our most cherished customers asking to introduce new features. For the last six months, the plea has been almost unanimous.
We want to integrate Weekdone with fax.
At first, we were unsure about implementing this feature. Our engineer even gave us a side eye when we read it out loud to him. But then we thought of all the possibilities this opens up for us, and the idea started sounding more and more promising.
So, we’ve come up with an ideal solution on how to integrate fax. This way, team leaders with no-nonsense attitude would not let Internet maintenance downtime stand in their way. Some might call it regression.
We call it return to form.
Please welcome the future of quick Weekdone progress reports – the Kweekdone!

Here’s how it works. You print out our trademarked Kweekdone form, fill it out and fax it to our product support specialist. In 3 to 5 days, depending on our workload and legibility of your writing, we will put your data online.
If you thought Weekdone was making your work simpler, wait until you see Kweekdone in action. But don’t take our word for it. Check out these great new features yourself:
– Advanced text recognition
Kweekdone supports and recognizes most types of handwriting. Even though we prefer hand-printed text, our customer support is equipped with state-of-the-art tools to help him understand even the most poorly written document. And did we mention no character limit?
– Availability
If you have a fax machine and 3-4 sheets of paper, you have everything you need to use Kweekdone. The costs of paper are easily made up for with surprising increase in your team’s productivity. Kweekdone is a tool that is easy on the eyes and light on the wallet.
– Time saving
No more meetings and loitering online! We will do all the hard work for you. Simply fill in every detail and send us the Kweekdone report. We promise to keep your fax number strictly confidential.
We don’t want to reveal all of our cards just yet but we promise that this list of features barely scratches the surface of what we want to offer. Faxing a report has never felt more satisfying!
It works. On paper.
Stay tuned for more updates.
Oh, and by the way, April Fool!