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Survey: What Employees Think about OKRs and Weekly Reporting

The question “what employees want“ is one that can keep emphatic managers up at night. If employee’s needs are met, they perform much better, help the company more and are, in general, easier to work with. We conducted a survey to see what employees who use Weekdone are like and what they really think about weekly reporting and OKRs.

Here are the results.

Weekdone Keeps Employees Engaged

The survey clearly stated that an average Team Compass user is more than twice engaged then an average employee in the US and 6 times more engaged than average employee worldwide (US employee engagement rate is 30% and worldwide 13%).

We can also see that people who answered the survey enjoy mostly positive workplace relations which adds a lot to working environment and team spirit.

We can only summaries that weekly reporting creates a stronger environment for getting real work done and staying positive at work.

As one person said in the survey:

Team Compass is a great way to track progress on your daily work as well as map your career aspirations to smart OKRs. However, as software goes, it’s only as good as its users, so it very much depends on the way the company is using it. Overall, I think it can add value to any business and its workforce if used correctly.“

Keeping it Simple

When we look at why employees love Team Compass, there are two things that really stand out.

A lot of people like how we have combined Weekly PPP’s with quarterly OKRs (Objectives and Key Results).

Employees also want things to be as simple as possible, as easy as possible and as fast as possible. So, the idea that Weekdone is easy to use is often mentioned in feedback and we’re very proud of that.

We created Team Compass for smaller teams, as it is a simplified tool for status reporting and goal-setting with “light OKRs”.

The Tools for You

Like any tool, managers can use Weekdone differently. Some of our users use it as only a status reporting tool, others only focus on OKRs. It all depends on what your company or team needs.

We strongly believe that those who benefit most from Weekdone are those businesses with multiple teams who are dedicated to implementing the OKR methodology across the company. As you can see from the survey results, these SMBs certainly benefit from the support of status reports and weekly planning features.

Team Compass was created for those users in small teams not yet committed or ready for the OKR methodology but seeking some structure for setting goals and staying connected through reporting, planning, and engagement features.

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