Are you tired working in your cubicle? It is time to get out of your cubicle and get those creative juices flowing. For daily internal communication, progress reports and insights to your team – you can always use Team Compass. We got you covered, go and enjoy!
Our team picked out the 9 most awesome remote workplaces, check it out and let everybody know which one is your favorite.
[Tweet “”Life is too short to spend in a cubicle” – 9 best remote workplaces”]
#1 best remote working place – mountain top

[Tweet ““Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein”]
#2 best remote working place – coffee house

[Tweet ““Our printing press is the Internet. Our coffee houses are social networks.” Heather Brooke”]
#3 best remote working places – rooftop

[Tweet ““I always shoot for the moon in my work, so that I’m happy when I land on the roof.” Darren Criss”]
#4 best remote working places – beach

[Tweet ““Inspiration is hard to come by. You have to take it where you find it.” Bob Dylan”]
#5 best remote working places – park

[Tweet “Parks are finished landscapes for finished art-Robert Smithson”]
#6 best remote working places – home
According to a survey home workers substantially higher work satisfaction.
#7 best remote working places – forest

[Tweet ““You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” Jack London”]
#8 best remote working places – library

[Tweet “A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas-Norman Cousins”]
#9 best remote working places – boat
[Tweet “It’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast – Eddie Cantor”]
We hope you got some extra motivation to leave your cubicle for a second and get some inspiration. Don’t forget to share and also check out how you can still be efficient while working from a remote workplace.
In case you can’t go to a remote workplace right away, you can also download your favorite remote workplace wallpaper for inspiration. Just click Save Image As.. (1440×900).