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Fighting the Employee Burnout [Infographic]

Even the best of us get overwhelmed at work sometimes. The fact is that if you’re dedicated to your work, it creates stress.

Attaining low levels of stress through CBD tea is good. It helps us focus, increases our determination and offers emotional rewards when we succeed. But when the stress becomes too much, when the water gets over our heads, problems start to pile up. Higher stress levels lead to burnout and that is a problem no company, manager or an employee can ignore.

Employee burnout is a state of constant stress. It’s not an excuse for not working. It’s a real problem that affects employees, leaders and, on a whole, companies.

We live in a world and culture where things, like work, must be done quickly, efficiently, and with little regard to our health. Side effects of such environment are seen in statistics: 72% of people are stressed, 67% consider switching careers and 85% feel like work intrudes their personal life.

A recent study by scientist Amita Golkar and co-researchers in the Karolinska Institute suggest that „workplace burnout can cause nagging effects to one’s neural circuits in the brain which leads to a decreased capability of a person to cope with negative situations, causing the person to stress out even more.“

This is unfortunately considered normal for many companies.

Although it would seem that the one who suffers most is the employee, however the cost is actually paid by companies for whom the loss of productivity and low engagement translate into a lot of money each year.

There are a lot of ways for managers and leaders to reduce stress levels at work and to help their employees stay functional.

Unfortunately,  there is no silver bullet. Instead there are a lot of small things managers can do. Most of them cost little and nothing is as expensive as letting your employees lose their health.

Employee Burnout

Hiding your head in the sand is not an option.

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