Due to constant lack of time important decisions are made in a hurry. You might think that the most crucial questions among others are which market to enter or which distribution channels to choose from. Or may be how to divide the budget and how to increase the sales and how to lead your team?
Yes, these are all important questions that need a solid answer, but one simple and maybe the most important of them is: who to hire or promote as a manager.
According to a great article by Randall Beck and James Harter at Harvad Business Review companies usually name the wrong person as a manager. This wrong decision costs businesses billions of dollars. What is more, this bad decision is made 82% of the time.
If true, this means that from all the managers we have, only 18% are good managers that suit for their job.

This is a staggering number and perhaps makes you think: Am I a good manager? Maybe that is something that could be asked from Your employees next time You give them feedback. You could even add such a question in your team’s weekly reports.
But if you are eager to know what characteristics productive managers have, then Gallup has found five talents shared by great managers:
Characteristics of a Productive Manager
They are able to motivate their team. Not just the team as a whole but each employee as well. It is a tricky job, since every human being is so damn different, but apparently it is achievable. Remember how important it is to give feedback and guidance to each employee regularly.
They overcome resistance successfully and have the assertiveness to achieve objectives. No matter how hard it is to produce the desired outcome, great managers are bursting with confidence that helps on the road of success.
They create a culture where everyone knows their responsibilities, a culture of clear accountability.
They also create a culture that encourages trust, openness and transparency.
Last, but not the least: they make difficult decisions that are not based on the politics, but on productivity.
Therefore, looking at these talents: Are you a good manager? And what are you doing to get feedback on this from your employees regularly?