How to Give Better Employee Feedback to Your People

To give good employee feedback you need to have a firm understanding about what is going on in your team. This requires an effective reporting solution.

3 Principles for Having Engaged Employees

You can try to understand what goes on in your employee’s mind and use it to keep them engaged. Here is a quick peek into one employee’s thinking.

Management Tools: Feedback Emoji

With Millennials and younger generations dominating the workforce, a quick and easy way to show support and give feedback is what every manager needs.

Employee Feedback: Why It Matters and How to Use It

Employee feedback is one of the more overlooked tools at team managers’ disposal. When done right, feedback can greatly improve engagement and productivity.

How to Give Your Team Feedback That Inspires

Learn from the experience of five successful thought-leaders how to give feedback that inspires and motivates your team to act.

Give Better Feedback with These 5 Weekly Review Tips

Feedback is the breakfast of champions. So, don't resist giving it. Here are 5 ways to provide feedback based on your employee reports.

5 Talents Shared by Productive Managers

Hiring the wrong manager could end up costing your company billions. Here are 5 characteristics of a productive manager that will make the decision easier.