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Leadership Survey Results: Setting Team Goals and Objectives

We all know how important for reaching goals are the right objectives. But what methods do other leaders and team managers use for that?

The results for our latest leadership survey are in. This time we asked leaders and managers about the value of long-term quarterly objectives and shorter term weekly goals. There were so many of you answering – thank you to all!

As a quick summary we can say that quarterly objectives are hugely popular and many use weekly ones. Most popular methods are the best practices of OKR and PPP.

Importance of setting regular goals and objectives

When asked about the value of setting quarterly versus weekly objectives, quarterly was the winner. You, the leaders, rated the importance quarterly goals like OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) at 8.16 on a 10-point scale. Weekly goal-setting like PPPs (Plans-Progress-Problems) got a little bit lower score of 6.94/10, but it’s still high. If you’re not using goal-setting yet or don’t have a great tool for that, why not try Weekdone’s goal-setting software to manage the process?

Digging deeper into the scores below we can see a whopping 69% of leaders considering quarterly objectives and their value at 8-10 points. 48% said the same for weekly objectives. Here is a more detailed breakdown:

Importance of quarterly objectives and weekly goals

Goal-setting methods used by leaders

What are the most popular methods and intervals used by managers? Like we thought, using quarterly OKRs is the winner with over 1/3rd of company using them. The same goes for annual OKRs, although in practice we have seen many companies giving up on them because of how fast the world is turning.

A fifth of companies use weekly PPPs. Monthly OKRs are an exception, most probably that even among Weekdone users we see the mix of tying quarterly OKRs with weekly PPPs works the best and few need monthly in between them. Most OKR tools like Weekdone anyway support weekly and monthly updates to your company, personal and team OKRs.

Goal setting and objectives methods used by leaders

Hope this gave you a good overview of what other leaders from startups to Fortune 500 are using. Like we like to say, OKRs are the one management technique every leader definitely should implement. Weekdone is a great way for that.

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