Many have asked us about the Weekdone weekly reporting Android app that we promised to launch in Q1. Till today we have not been able to tell you the whole truth. The reason behind the delay is that we focused all our efforts on the up and coming platform of tomorrow. Today we are launching the Windows Phone mobile status reporting app with new features that guarantee to boost your team’s productivity and engagement.
Why Windows Mobile? It shares many things in common with Weekdone. It has great design and usability. It is easy to use. It’s the future.
Our new mobile app brings on two new features: the outsource button and the happiness boost.

First we learned that one of the main reason’s why employees dreaded to go to work on Mondays, was the fact that they simply had too many things to do. With the outsource button we have solved the problem. Clicking it sends your listed plan to a pool of freelancers across the world, who after finishing the task can also move it automatically to your Progress section. Based on the idea of surge pricing used by the likes of Uber, thee price goes up on busy times like Friday afternoon when you have to submit your report, and it’s cheaper on Monday mornings.

The second feature is happiness boost, which will be available to managers only. It’s priced at an affordable $4.99 in-app payment each time you use them, but the manager can use it as many times per day as needed. Leaders often struggled with keeping the employees happy. Although the number one request from employees is always more managerial feedback and praise, many were not using the Weekdone weekly reviews function. The happiness boost system has a built-in Artificial Intelligence system that alarms managers when there are indications that the happiness level has dropped. Studies have shown that each boost increases employee happiness at least 43% for the next 3.5 hours, when a next boost becomes needed. What has happened in live beta testing is that many managers have additionally started giving free feedback and praise to their people, circumventing the new boost button.
“Truth to be told, when I joined Weekdone, I was somewhat of a lazy unproductive guy,”
said Wallace D, now the Chief Happiness Officer at Weekdone.
“Then the product team started working on the new mobile version and I was one of the first to test it out. It did miracles for me to get focused and getting things done. First I started getting these new mobile happiness boosts from the CEO and co-workers. One I got it even on Saturday, which made for a great weekend. Then there was the task outsourcing for smaller unimportant tasks, which I now understand I should not have planned anyway. Of course the core process of choosing 5 important key to-do’s for each week and making sure those get always done helped. Can’t wait for the new features to be available on my Google Glasses and Oculus Rift.”
The long promised Android version of Weekdone will hopefully be launched already this week. The same cool features will be added to our web and mobile iOS versions soon, so be sure to check out your weekly progress report.
Which additional features should be added next?