Happy new year, dear Weekdone users! On behalf of our team we wish you a productive 2013. Select your plans and goals wisely. Focus on what’s important and have some big hairy goals to achieve each day and week. Be nice to your co-workers. Be happy about your progress.
Our latest version, 0.6, went live during the holidays. We listened to your wishes. Here’s what we added and improved. There were three major additions and a lot of smaller changes.
Plan’s life-cycle into progress or problem
Whenever you plan something, there are only a few things that can happen to the plan:
1. You get it done and it becomes progress.
2. It gets delayed and you continue it as a plan next week.
3. Plan gets stuck and it becomes a problem.
4. You cancel a plan and delete it.
We’ve now improved the “Previous week’s plans” section and whole report form. All the plans from last week stay there and you have to choose one of the 4 options above. No more re-entering progress: just hover above any line in previous weeks plans section and click one of the 4 buttons to move the plan to appropriate section or delete it.

We also added drag and drop between report sections, so you can drag any item to another section.
Even more: you can now also reorder lines by dragging items up and down from the icon at the beginning of each line in the edit form.
Each person’s icon now also has a round indicator, showing the ratio of their progresses (green), overdue plans (orange), new plans (blue) and problems (yellow).
Company happiness measurement
It’s important to know how each team and whole company is feeling. Think of it as your team’s pulse or blood pressure. When filling in your weekly report, at the end of it you’ll see the question: “How happy were you with this week?” We chose the five-point scale for happiness measurement and you answer by choosing 1 to 5 stars.

Based on everyone’s input you’ll see the results graph for 5 last weeks at the top of each team’s and whole company reports.

You’ll see each person’s happiness rating also next to their name in their report section. The happiness graph get’s also included in the weekly e-mail reports.

Now as a manager, whenever you see a user reporting happiness below 4 or 5 stars, pay attention to that. Something is not at the best level, so think how to react. Talk to the person and see what could be improved. The same goes for low happiness ratings of the whole company or any team: a low score means something needs to be done.
Average plans overdue
The key thing managers asked us was a way to see employees plans that get stuck and not done by time. We added an indicator called “Average plans overdue,” which shows how many plans not executed in the same week as planned there are. Again you can see that for the whole company, any team or for each person. The icon for overdue plans is a flag.
While looking at reports, each overdue 1+ week plan is now also marked with a flag.

The idea behind this is that people should focus on key plans for the week and try to achieve all of them. If something gets pushed to next week, it should be more of an exception than a rule. Weekdone is not a todo list or task manager where you list tens and tens of things you should do some day. Weekdone is about getting important things done and key goals achieved each week.
If you have any suggestions on how to better call these 1+ week plans, let us know.
Other improvements and additions
- Renaming teams under “People & Teams” settings. Just hover above team name, click it, edit it in-line and press enter to save.
- Better calendar with quick “Last Week” and “This Week” selectors.
- If someone does not fill in their report, we mention that in the weekly report e-mail.
- Manager’s review changed to 5-point scale to be similar to happiness scale.
- Tens of visual and interaction improvements.
As always, we welcome your suggestions and feedback. You can also click the green “Feedback” button at any time while inside Weekdone.