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What Companies Use OKRs?

When looking into Objectives and Key Results (OKR) goal setting methodology, you may be wondering what well-known companies use OKRs? The most common examples that get brought up are Google, Amazon, and Spotify, but many other companies also use OKRs.

We’ve compiled a list of corporations that use OKRs for you to reference when considering implementing them. This list does not account for every company, and there are many other companies, organizations, and small businesses that use the OKR methodology.

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You can also learn more about how these companies use OKRs from

Here are well-known companies and businesses that use OKRs:

These companies use the OKR methodology to help them manage their company goals. By being more focused on tasks and goals, they have not only survived, but thrived and moved their company in a unified direction, making them great examples to follow.

Beyond just setting goals it is also important to find a way to track your progress. Many of these companies also have used an OKR software like Weekdone. These examples are leaders in decision making, and you can be too!

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