Remote file sharing with teammates is such a simple action that oftentimes we take the security of our data for granted. We assume that a “restricted link” on Google docs means exactly as it says, “only people added can open this link”.
But have you actually read the legal terms of half the services you’re using?
For example, Google’s Terms and Conditions specifically state how their automated system analyzes content (even emails) in order for them to provide the best advertisements and customized search results. Maybe not so “restricted” after all.
If we all took a little time to carefully consider the platform we use, or the way we go about sharing files with our team; we’d certainly be better off.
Here are 5 tips to help as you continue along your remote file sharing journey:
1. Create a system and stick to it
Secure file sharing for business starts by implementing structure. By using a drive, you’re able to easily find needed information quickly, without question as to where it is when you need it. This is especially helpful as many remote teams are working asynchronously from different time zones.
Additionally, it’s important to train new employees and give them access to the drive. Let them know where to find and store files, and your method for secure sharing.
2. Create shared folders for teams
After you’ve decided which drive to use, you can develop this structured system by creating password protected folders for files specific to certain teams, and for important documents that need signatures or may contain other sensitive information.
Not only does this help the organization within your team, you know who has access to which files, and can see who is reviewing the file at what time.
Delete files you are no longer using and log out of your accounts when you’re not using them. This helps keep your account secure and eliminates the possibility of hackers getting your information.
3. Understand permission settings
As easy as it is for you to “accept all cookies” on a website – it’s just as easy to miss the fine print and skip over the technical jargon of a service provider. Read reviews, watch tutorials, schedule a demo – do whatever you can to understand the platform you’re thinking to use.
Other key aspects to consider when choosing a secure file sharing service for your business are: the size of your company and how large the files you’re sharing are, and their accessibility settings.
4. Avoid email attachments
If you still send files through email attachments, stop it right now! Once an email leaves your inbox, you no longer have control over the data – therefore, if you accidentally send it to the wrong recipient, they now have access to your files. No one wants that.
If you must contact your client or employee through email – create a private, password protected, encrypted link that’s only accessible to the intended recipient 🙂
5. Invest in the protection of your company data
Whether you’re a small business, or a big corporation – you need to protect yourself and employees from data breaching. It’s important to invest your time, and sometimes money into the security of your company’s information.
With so many options out there, we decided to feature the best, in our opinion: Internxt.
Internxt Drive has “zero-knowledge encryption”, meaning that you and your team are the only ones who have access to your files, no matter what! Fragmented links, personal decryption keys, and an intuitive interface are just a few of our favorite things about Internxt drive. They have individual options and team options for super affordable rates and a 30 day free trial.

Hopefully, these tips helped you to start thinking about the importance of data security in your business. Or maybe you learned something that made you think twice about how you personally share files with family and friends.
Whatever the case, we could all use some advice as technology seems to advance with the blink of an eye. Happy sharing!