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How to navigate Weekdone

The principles of grouping are a set of principles in psychology to account for the observation that humans naturally perceive objects as organized patterns and objects. Psychologists argued that these principles exist because the mind has an innate disposition to perceive patterns in the stimulus based on certain rules.

The law of proximity states that “objects or shapes that are close to one another appear to form groups”.

Weekdone navigation is grouped to 5 distinct sections. Skip Ahead to:


Weekdone’s interface is divided into 5 areas:

  1. MenubarALWAYS visible, NEVER changes content. Active state highlighted.
    1. TOP – Access all Weekdone products: Weekly Planning, Quarterly Objectives, 1:1 Discussion, Newsfeed.
    2. BOTTOM – access all meta-information: Support Chat with live customer support, Help materials related to current view and Settings.
  2. SidebarALWAYS visible, changes content based on Menu bar (1) state. Active state highlighted.
    1. Access Company, Departments, Teams, People while in specific product (1.1)
    2. Access different settings while in Settings (1.2)
  3. NavbarALWAYS visible, NEVER changes content.
    1. LEFT – Toggle sidebar (2) visibility, go Home, Search
    2. RIGHT – information related to YOU: notifications, profile dropdown
  4. Header – changes based on view. Contains information about:
    1. LEFT & CENTER – where you are
    2. RIGHT – tools, actions and filters for the view.
  5. Content – area where all your main interactions take place.


From the Menubar, you can access Weekdone products:

And all help and customization:


From the Sidebar, while in any Menubar product (1.1) you can access:

  1. Searching for a specific person or team
  2. Yourself
  3. Your favourites
    • TIP: Add favourites from the header (4) after the page heading, while in any sidebar (2) view
  4. Recently active users
  5. Everyone in your organization
    • TIP: use the arrows on the right to expand or collapse groups of people
  6. Invite – adding new people to your Weekdone account

From the Sidebar, while in Menubar Settings you can access:

  1. Settings related to your organization:
    1. People & Teams
    2. Design
    3. Applications
    4. SSO & SAML2
    5. Billing and payment
    6. Audit log
    7. Weekly Planning Templates
    8. Rewards
    9. Schedule
    10. External report subscribers
    11. Objectives and Key Results
    12. Quarter start dates
  2. Your personal Settings
    1. Profile
    2. Import
      1. Zapier, Slack, Jira, Asana, Basecamp and Google Tasks currently available
    3. Notifications
    4. Applications


From the Navbar, you can access:

  1. Toggling Sidebar
    • TIP: this will hide or show the sidebar, giving more room to content
  2. Home
    • TIP: you can customize your Homepage from personal profile settings
  3. Search
  4. Your Notifications
  5. Your profile dropdown
    1. Link to your report page
    2. Your Personal Settings
    3. Company Setup
    4. Helpful Resources and support materials
    5. Help
    6. Tell-a-friend
      • TIP: if you recommend Weekdone to a friend or colleague, you get an extended free trial
    7. Sign out


From the Header, based on active view, you can find some or more of the following:


From the Content area, you can access: Every Weekdone view based on Menubar (1), Sidebar (2) and Header (4) selections, including but not limited to:

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