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Project Management Best Practices For Working Remotely

Today we have a guest post on project management from Max Benz. He is a content marketing manager at Filestage and has been working remotely for more than 3 years. He’s even running a German remote job board on the side.

Project managers have the huge responsibility of keeping things moving on various tasks and projects while keeping all stakeholders happy and on the same page.

This is only amplified when you take away the physical presence of working in person and, instead, deliver results in a remote environment. In this post, we’re going to look at 13 project management best practices for remote work.

project management best practices

Challenges Remote Project Management is Facing

While the benefits of working remotely have been well documented, it doesn’t come without its challenges. 

Research says that 55% of communication is body language, while another 38% is the tone of voice—all of which is necessary to create a communal atmosphere. 

It’s a bit difficult to achieve the full experience of communication when you’re sending animated GIFs to each other on 50 slack channels. 

Not only that, but some companies are stuck in the ice age, refusing to adapt to remote work, or at least kicking and screaming as they’re forced to change-making life difficult for everyone. 

These are just a couple of many challenges project managers of distributed teams are facing today.

Let’s look at some more examples.

Have you sent a message to a friend who responds typically straightaway, only to be met with silence?

You find yourself sweating over every word (and emoji) in the text, even getting your partner to read over it to make sure you didn’t come across as rude or insensitive.

The fact is, your message can be interpreted in so many different ways, even with close friends!

Yet, as remote teams, this is how we communicate with each other every day often with people we don’t know that well.

Furthermore, think about how much support team members need when you work with them in-person. We’ve all had an experience where we’ve helped one of our peers for two hours on how to use an internal tool. 

Now take away that element of working side-by-side, and the task developing competence and confidence becomes exponentially more challenging.

Project Management Best Practices for Remote Teams

Even though there are challenges with remote project management for startups, this can all be mitigated or also improved by applying the 13 tips for remote work below.

1. Transparent objectives and processes

According to a survey conducted by Kelton Global in 2018, 87% of workers want their future employer to be transparent.

Teams are more motivated when they’re not left in the dark and understand the commercial benefits of projects they’re working on.

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2. (Over) Communicating project progress on a regular basis

A report by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) claims that 88 percent of remote workers struggle with inconsistent working practices and miscommunication.

Unfortunately, poor project communication is common amongst remote teams, killing productivity, engagement, and ultimately results.

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3. Clear instructions

The founders of successful SaaS Company Basecamp suggest in their New York Times Best Selling Book, Rework, to hire great writers. It doesn’t matter what their role is, but clear writing is a sign of clear thinking, which then translates to excellent communication, written or verbal.  

Instructions quickly get confusing when communication is long-winded, unfocused, and lacks empathy. Project managers need to master communicating when managing remote teams.

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4. Staying in touch with the team

“Employee communication is ongoing and, while mostly informal, is essential to keep needed information and direction flowing smoothly,” says strategic consultant Jeff Skipper. “Remote employees are cut off from many critical details. They need interruptions and serendipitous conversations as much as anyone else.” 

While we’re all employed to deliver results, we can’t lose sight of the fact that we’re human, and getting to knowing and caring for each other is essential for team building and performance.

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5. Access to internal knowledge

In 2004, Forbes conducted a study revealing that Fortune 500 companies lose approximately $31.5 billion a year by failing to share knowledge!

Remote environments create even more barriers for companies to share knowledge with their teams and encourage peer-to-peer learning.

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6. Suitable software set up

According to a survey conducted by GoTo, 54% of remote workers have five or more computer programs open at any given time. This multi-tasking culture increases easily avoided mistakes due to distractions.

It’s more important than ever to be selective with project tools to avoid app fatigue and confusion.

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7. Set agenda’s before every meeting

According to online meeting provider Fuze, ineffective meetings waste an estimated $37 billion a year. 

Mastering the art of setting clear agendas for virtual meetings is essential to the success of any remote team.

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8. Set project goals or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The software company, Zonka Feedback, set project goals and KPIs for every team member in a project. This helps project managers measure the productivity level for each team member and take corrective actions to maintain a high level of output.

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9. Develop an efficient process for feedback

Companies that implement regular employee feedback see an average of 15% lower turnover rate.

Giving feedback, both constructive and positive, is a must for any successful team. If you fail to recognize team members, they feel under-appreciated, and if you don’t deliver feedback on mistakes, they’ll continue to make mistakes.

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10. Video conferencing

Here are some interesting results from a survey conducted by video conferencing tool Zoom:

In the absence of non-verbal queues you get from in-person communication, video conferencing is one of the most critical tools for any remote team.

Next steps

11. Encourage effective collaboration

A study from the Institute for Corporate Productivity found that companies who promote collaborative working were five times as likely to be high performing.

Effective collaboration leverages the strengths of each team member, drives innovative solutions, and builds trust amongst remote teams.

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12. Lead with trust

A study by Interaction Associates shows that high-trust companies “are more than 2½ times more likely to be high performing revenue organizations” than low-trust companies.

Trust is often built from consistent in-person interactions one-on-one and in a group environment. This is not the case for distributed teams as everyone sits at home behind their devices, naturally more focused on work than building relationships.

Next steps

13. Master project onboarding

According to a survey conducted by Geneca, 75% of employees say they believe their projects are doomed from the start.

Alarming levels of team wariness of projects come down to poor project onboarding. Project onboarding is the process of introducing a team member to a project and giving them the tools needed to succeed.

Next steps


Whether it’s in a remote or in-person environment, the principles for successful project management are mostly the same. If anything, distributed teams mean more focus, autonomy, and trust to get on with the job.

We hope this list of project management best practices has given you some ideas on how to build high performing remote teams.

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