How Many OKRs? Setting OKRs in Your Organization

One of the most common questions when setting OKRs is: "How many do we set?" We've answered this FAQ and others in this article.

10 Questions Leaders Ask About OKR Goal Setting

The OKR goal setting methodology and framework allows for a lot of customization. This article gives you an overview of what to keep in mind

An Expert in Goal Setting – Playing Dungeons and Dragons

This is not a cheap “LotR” fanfiction. Nor is it a screenplay for Game of Thrones. It is the situation you face when you deal with goal setting.

BMAT: When Company Grows, Weekdone Lets You Get Closer

"We've always had weekly meetings to synchronize everybody's objectives, but we reached a point where we couldn't keep up with everybody

How Sales Teams Should Implement Long-term Sales Goals

Salespeople are warriors on the front line hustling and closing deals. However, they have an unique way to set sales goals. Learn how to live with that.

How to Motivate People to Use Objectives and Key Results – OKRs

A great goal-setting framework is a good start, but you as a manager, still have to help people understand why it is beneficial to use OKRs.

How to Introduce the OKR Process to Your Team

I wish I had had someone, or some materials, to guide me through the OKR process the first time as a team leader. Now I'll try to make it easier to you.