Starting out with OKRs can be exciting, especially when you think of the powerful impact and business results they can bring. While you may know what you want to achieve, writing it out can be difficult. Have you ever struggled setting your OKRs? Well, you are not alone. We have talked to hundreds of customers about this issue. Most renowned OKR books don’t even provide examples on how OKRs for different parts of the organization should look like.
To solve this issue we’ve created a new feature in Weekdone called “Examples”, which allows you to view different OKR examples by job fields (e.g Marketing, Sales, HR) and roles (e.g Marketing Manager, Head of Sales, HR Manager) and many more to add them in Weekdone. You can access the examples by starting to add a new Objective, and then clicking Examples on the right.

In this view you can filter through different fields and roles and add an OKR example that fits your context. You can also edit and repurpose the OKR to your organizational needs. These examples are especially helpful as you set up your first OKRs and need some extra guidance.
As you get more comfortable with the methodology you can work on setting your own. Remember, it’s important to review and restructure OKRs regularly as you progress further. You can also check out our short OKR basics tutorial whenever you need a review the basics.
Writing your own OKRs is hard, but using OKR examples might provide the inspiration needed to get started with your team, company, or individual OKRs. Knowing what a proper OKR looks like and what makes an Objective different from a Key Result is crucial for getting the most value out of Weekdone. Have you used Examples in Weekdone yet? We would love to hear your feedback!