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Pennington & Bailes has increased team communications with weekly reporting

We at Weekdone often share our thoughts on how to plan the day, set business goals and use weekly reporting tools. But these are our perspectives on how to beat procrastination, achieve objectives you really need to score and how weekly reporting tools could be used for your benefits.

We know that our creative clients can come up with 10+ new ways to make the product work for them. That is why we are always happy to receive feedback.

Therefore, we are so excited to post thoughts from our client Stephanie Bailes from Pennington & Bailes.  Here’s how her team uses weekly reporting and the benefits it has brought:

 1.) To start off, what does Pennington & Bailes do?

Weekdone weekly reporting client interview

We design and manufacture clothing for the discerning “sports enthusiast” and specialize in doing so for the collegiate market.

2.) Can you describe the structure of your team and it’s core function(s)?

We are a small, family owned business with a national footprint. It is important that we are efficient and focused, and each individual has a clearly defined area of responsibility on the team; Marketing, Warehouse Operations, Customer Service, Finance & Operations, and Sales.

3.) Why did you decide to choose Weekdone for weekly reporting?

We needed to find a tool that would help us increase our focus and communications, i.e. keep track of day to day tasks while also increasing communication amongst team members.

4.) What has improved by using Weekdone? Are there any unexpected benefits you have seen?

We have built a team meeting around our weekly weekdone report which is fulfilling our need for increased focus and communications. It is a incredibly easy tool to use, requires minimal time to update while providing maximum benefit!

We are so glad to hear  that Stephanie Bailes and her team finds the reporting tool to be easy to use, while providing maximum benefit. Building a team meeting around weekly report is genius. This will motivate employees to fill in the form and keep it updated. Therefore, no extra time is spent on figuring out what has been done or what challenges anyone is facing. Most of the time could be used to actually solve these problems and set new objectives for the upcoming week. An additional bonus is the ability to give more precise feedback, which will be appreciated by the employees.

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