One of the most asked features in Weekdone has been support due dates. Today we’re happy to say: due dates for items have been launched. First, some background. Scroll down if you just want to know how to use them.
The backstory
For us the due dates have been a controversial topic. We’ve really fought against them. Whenever you have asked for them, we’ve said: never. Why?
Weekdone is not a task manager or project management app. Our goal is to be the best team reporting and internal communication app. Weekdone works well in teams only when you do 2 things right:
- You keep the amount of items per person and per category small. When you start using Weekdone as a personal todo list and add tens and tens of small minute items, none of your team members will read them. Instead of a high-level overview you create information overload. Less is more.
- You use writing style oriented at others, the readers – your leader and team members – not yourself. The style of jotting down tasks and ideas for yourself is much different from clear writing style directed at others understanding what you plan, what your challenges, achievements and ideas are. You have to use a bit longer sentences and give more background information and lessons learned. It’s not just about the facts.
Those 2 goals usually contradict with task management. We have always felt that adding due dates kills our original purpose. You start using us too much for personal tasks and todos. That way you overwhelm others with your tiny personal hard to understand tasks.
Then why now?
Still, after heated discussions we decided to give due dates a go. We believe when used right, there are a few things why they are beneficial in Weekdone:
- For long-term plans to not show as overdue. Now when you set a due date in the future, when the week ends that item is not considered overdue. (Reminder: your company administrator can change under template settings for items in a category for never to be considered overdue as well).
- Dividing your tasks between 5 weekdays. We’re big believers in “1 big task per working day” focus. Due dates allow to remind yourself and show co-workers, when you plan to accomplish something.
- Using Weekdone daily as your high-level goals list. That’s right, think of Weekdone as your goals list and check it daily on the mobile. Make sure you then really get those big strategic things done.
The key here is to use due dates in moderation as well as keep your plans list always short. 5-7 plans per week is maximum you should ever have. Keep in mind: it’s still not a todo list app.
Using the due dates
Adding due dates is easy. Under each item you find a clock icon. Click it to open the calendar and choose the due date. It will then be shown under the item. That’s the key part of our current due dates functionality.
Another thing: when the due date comes, the indicator under the item turns red, so you see you’ve gone overdue. Items with no due date set still become overdue automatically after a week has passed and they’re not done.
You can set the due date in the future for older plans to not count them as overdue. Don’t cheat, be realistic.
Only time will tell, if our decision to support due dates is right or wrong. We will be monitoring their usage and decide over time what will happen to them. What are your feelings on using due dates in Weekdone? Let us know in comments or at hello@weekdone.com.