8 Steps for Better OKR Planning and Goal-Setting

This 8-step OKR planning guide breaks down the process of setting quarterly OKRs. Includes OKR drafting templates and examples to get started

How to Increase Focus and Productivity: 3 Simple Tips

Keeping your team focused on a specific task or an activity is one of the most important elements in team management. Here are 3 tips for you and your team.

Pareto analysis for getting things done

Ever felt the urge to be less busy so you could start getting things done? Well, you need start from correct planning and Pareto analysis is the first step.

Time Management Guide: Best Techniques [Infographic]

Time management is one of the biggest struggles in our day-to-day lives and how to stay happy while doing so?

The Fine Line Between Planning and Over Planning

Planning is essential. Over planning can kill innovation. So where do you draw the line? Find out how you can avoid over planning.