As a leader or a manager it is your job to create an environment where people can meet their potential. On the other hand, most of the managers have their own superiors and what matters most to them is delivering results and meeting goals. So, how can a leader or a manager do all of these things without compromising the work environment within a team?
In Weekdone, we believe in high standards and hard goals. One of our ambitious goals is to help and show the best methods, ways, tips and hacks in order to IMPROVE YOUR PERFORMANCE. That’s why we have gathered the best 10 infographics that we believe to be simple, practical and proven to make you a better leader.
1# Do You Lead or Manage? 6 Symptoms of a Micromanager
Summing up various surveys and researches, here are 6 symptoms of a micromanager and their cures. Are there any familiar behavioral patterns you or your manager might use every now and then? Read more…

2# 7 Step Guide For a Leader To Deliver Results As a Team
On the basis of our customer case studies and different successful leadership methodologies we compiled the 7 steps which will guarantee successful outcome as a team. Read more…

3# Leader’s Guide to Motivate People at Work
People are the greatest resource of any team or company. It’s people who create, innovate and achieve business results. It’s your job as a leader to help these people in any way possible to bring out their best.

4# What Your Employees Want and Why Should You Care
Have you ever wondered, what goes on in your teammate’s or employee’s heads? If you have, you’ve smart. As Ian Hutchinson, author of People Glue has said: “Your number one customers are your people. Look after employees first and then customers last.” Read more…
5# 10 Ways to Build Stronger, More Successful Teams
Leadership and management are a mix of art and science. Gut feeling and emotions are definitely important. Having good tools, organized processes and methodologies can still be an immense help to any leader who is eager to build successful teams. Read more…

6# How Companies Can Get 59% More Growth in Revenue
According to Gallup, there are four human capital strategies which combined can add up to 59% more growth in revenue per employee. Each strategy has been widely tested and proven effective on its own. Read more…

7# How to Handle Employee One-on-One Meetings
We have gathered some of the best ideas how to make your future meetings a lot better and profitable. We want to make sure that one-on-one meetings are not just time-killers but bring actual value into your team. Read more…

8# 9 Unique Traits of High-Performance Teams
As a manager, team leader or a CEO you know that one of the underlying success factors is having a High-Performance Team. Even when pitching your startup, the number one attribute investors are looking for is an All-Star team. Read more…

9# How to Successfully Run a Remote Team
Despite all the advancements of the modern age, it can be hard to maintain long-distance relationship. If you are in charge of such team and you want to stay productive, even when continents apart.

10# How to Improve Internal Communications in 10 Steps
Improved internal communications doesn’t only affect your returns to shareholder, it also can increase employee engagement, build stronger teams and enhance company competitiveness. Effective internal communications practices help increase productivity, build a better workplace and reduce day-to-day conflict between team members. Read more…

Now, go out there and be the best leader you can be!
If you are looking for infographics that make you productive personally, check out the 10 infographics that will make you more productive at work.