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How Weekdone Fits into Your Company

How many online tools do you use in a day?

Most of the online tools you use have countless features to satisfy as wide a range of customers as possible. This means that it’s very easy to have more than one tool that can serve similar purposes with overlapping features. At work you probably use a communication tool, a CRM, a reporting tool, a project management tool, etc. So how does Weekdone fit into the mix?

Weekdone is a goal setting tool.

Weekdone is first and foremost a goal setting tool for teams. Our aim is to help you set quarterly Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and track your team’s progress towards those goals.

An important distinction is that goal setting is not the same thing as Project Management. Goal setting is more about the quarterly results and growth of your company. Project Management, on the other hand, focuses on a short-term project that has a beginning, middle and end.

Weekdone is very easy to use as a goal setting tool. As Bianca Courtenay – Head of HR at SnapShot told us: “The tool itself is very straightforward and simple and brings teams together. It gives us quantifiable data on how well we are performing against our OKRs.”

Using goal setting tools with HR management.

While it is possible to use Weekdone for HR processes or Project Management, this requires much more work. You may miss some key components that you wouldn’t otherwise. However, if you like Weekdone, don’t hesitate to contact our customer support to help us tailor out a solution that works for you.

A clear set of rules.

In the workplace, it is important that everyone understands how the system engine runs. You need to make sure your team knows what tool they have to use and where as a manager. If you haven’t already, you may need to set up written internal guidelines. That will help both existing employees and make bringing new ones into the team much easier.

Weekdone provides an easy to use tool for setting and tracking your team’s goals and, you can try it for free! Customer Support is always there to help you out.

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