7 Goal-Setting Questions You Must Ask to Drive Results

How can you ensure your strategy is translated into impactful business outcomes? Here are 7 goal-setting questions you need to ask

Ultimate Guide to Team Objectives: How To Set Goals as a Team

Team Objectives are specific and measurable goals that your team strives to meet together. Learn how to set goals with these tips!

21 Strategic Goals Examples To Drive Your Company Forward

Strategic goals connect your vision to annual and quarterly plans. Improve your team's performance with these strategic goals examples.

Goals vs. Objectives: The Simple Guide with Examples

The difference between goals vs. objectives can be confusing. Here, we cover definitions, examples, and methods to goal and objective setting.

Work Plan 101: Getting Started

What makes a GOOD work plan? In this article we explain different use cases for work plans and the elements needed to bring it all together for success!

Setting Long Term Goals Helps Me Sleep, Modash CEO

Avery Schrader, CEO of Modash talks about goal setting. He describes his tehnique for setting both long- and short term goals.

How Weekdone Fits into Your Company

Weekdone is first and foremost a goal setting tool for teams. Our aim is to help you set quarterly OKRs and track your team’s progress,

How To Make Sure Your Goals Have Impact?

There is a misunderstanding that goals are the most important aspect of both personal life and business. If you achieve your goals, you win at life. But goals are just what we use to measure our progress towards the end results. It’s what the goals represent that is important.

An Expert in Goal Setting – Playing Dungeons and Dragons

This is not a cheap “LotR” fanfiction. Nor is it a screenplay for Game of Thrones. It is the situation you face when you deal with goal setting.

How Alexander Hamilton Helps Us Reach Unreachable Goals Today

Lin Manuel Miranda’s “Hamilton” is a phenomena that needs no introductions. What can modern leaders and politicians learn from that story?