Annual vs Quarterly OKRs: Wondering What Works Better?

Annual vs quarterly OKRs - the choice is never easy. Find out how quarterly OKRs can help generate long-term success for your team.

“Bring in the Closer”: How Sales OKRs Make Selling Smarter 

Sales OKRs nurture innovative thinking and motivate your team to set ambitious goals with measurable results. Use these sales OKR examples in your team!

Visualize status with KPIs

Weekdone introduces a new feature: KPIs. Learn how to input Key Performance Indicators into Weekdone to add numeric metrics to your OKRs.

OKRs vs KPIs – Its Not a Competition!

KPIs and OKRs serve different purposes. KPIs measure performance over time, whereas OKRs align company priorities and measure progress toward future goals.

Convert KPIs to Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

OKR vs KPI - definitive guide on how a lot of smart leaders are following the likes of Google and are getting started with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)