Although most leaders realize company culture has a significant impact, I am not convinced that most understand how they can be intentional about shaping it
Author: Alexander Maasik
Alexander brings you tips and tricks about leadership and team management topics.
It might seem more logical to think about what consumers or shareholder want, but it's the employees who decide if your company succeeds or fails.
Determine your business goals, so you can use talent alignment accordingly. You need to determine what competencies you value at an position-specific level.
We did an interview with Brad Blevins, a former US Army Soldier and a Organizational Strategy Advisor for leaders from gothamCulture.
We live in a world where work must be done fast and with no regard to our health. High stress leads to burnout and that is a problem no company can ignore.
What are leadership skills? Being a leader requires devotion and humbleness. Here, we address what an ideal leader should be in 2019.
We did an interview with Sujan Patel, VP of Marketing at When I Work, a SaaS product for small businesses.
I'm talking about managers making every member of the crew working together towards a common goals. Or as we call it: team work.
An interview with business advisor Murray Newlands,. He talks about getting startup business models, funding, common mistakes and overcoming them
SMART goals should be the foundation of every business plan. See our SMART goals infographic and improve your goal setting process.