World’s simplest progress report template

People often ask us: can you provide us with a progress report template? What’s the most simple progress report sample […]

Here’s How Meetings are Held Around the Globe [map]

You manage a remote team and need to conduct efficient team meetings? Here is how different cultures spend their time on meetings.

10 Tips On How To Be a Better Leader [Free Presentation Included]

Are you a team leader? If yes, here is presentation on what are the management processes you can implement in your team already today.

10 ways to build stronger, more successful teams [infographic]

How to be a better manager, a top leader for your team? Here are 10 ways to build stronger and more successful teams today.

The 3-Step Team Meeting Agenda

Productive team meetings will save you an extra 3 hours a week! Here is a simple status report template that will save you and your team time & energy.

6-Step Simple Employee Progress Reports [Gifographic]

Employee progress reports help to get the insights you need to your team. Check out our gifographic on 6 steps to efficient employee progress reports

Give Better Feedback with These 5 Weekly Review Tips

Feedback is the breakfast of champions. So, don't resist giving it. Here are 5 ways to provide feedback based on your employee reports.

Inspire your team with supportive leadership tactics

According to Gallup survey, employee engagement has declined to mere 30%. It is an all-time low for everybody and evidently it is bad for business and people spirit.

How big companies made their meetings suck less

Here are four big companies that have made an effort to change its meeting's culture - in hopes to make meetings suck a little bit less.

Top 6 Tools For Virtual Teams

Do you find your productivity plummeting while working from home? These remote work tools will help you and your team get back on track!