Management Tools: Feedback Emoji

With Millennials and younger generations dominating the workforce, a quick and easy way to show support and give feedback is what every manager needs.

Management Tools: PPP – Plans, Progress, Problems

PPP or "Plans, Progress, Problems" is one of the easiest weekly reporting methodologies imaginable and a it's also the centerpiece of Weekdone.

How to be as Productive as US Presidents [infographic]

Presidents have given us a lot, both by their actions and by setting an example. We gathered some of these ways to be productive  for you to profit from.

Management Tools: Personal Objectives

Personal objectives are set in collaboration by a manager and an employee. Objectives are set for a quarter with key result measured on a ongoing basis,

Management Tools: Quarterly Plans

We believe in the integration of weekly reporting and quarterly plans and connecting our daily tasks to short term objectives.

Author Andrey Sergeyev: Achieving Goals and Dreams

Interview with Andrey Sergeyev, an entrepreneur, author, and leadership consultant, helping leaders to achieve goals in the Digital Age.

3 Tips for Making Quarterly Plans

Although, long term objectives are important, the most important part to get right is quarterly plans and short-term objectives.

Author Victor Lipman: Accomplishing Work Through Others

An interview with Victor Lipman, author of "The Type B Manager." With two decades of executive management experience, he spent years researching the topic.

Daily Work Report [the Ultimate How To Guide]

Stop wondering where all your time goes and why important things don't get done, with a daily work report. Here is your ultimate guide.

Time Management Guide: Best Techniques [Infographic]

Time management is one of the biggest struggles in our day-to-day lives and how to stay happy while doing so?