Save time: Have a One on One Meeting Online

1:1 meetings are potentially super effective, they are often conducted ineffectively. These tips will help increase the results of these meetings.

Convert KPIs to Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

OKR vs KPI - definitive guide on how a lot of smart leaders are following the likes of Google and are getting started with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

3 Principles for Having Engaged Employees

You can try to understand what goes on in your employee’s mind and use it to keep them engaged. Here is a quick peek into one employee’s thinking.

Teaching How to Grow with OKRs

OKR FAQ by Weekdone is a site that should help everyone get answers to basic questions on Objectives and Key Results (OKRs).

How to use Weekdone for Scaling Your Business

When I joined Weekdone we had team lunches every week. As we started scaling the company, it became impossible to find time for this sort of get-togethers.

To Manage or not to Manage a Team? [Infographic]

Use Weekdone to manage your team and increase your transparency. And look at the infographic for more reasons one should manage their team.

Employee Guide to Getting Started with OKRs

This employee guide to OKRs will help you to get started with the methodology. Learn all about adapting OKRs to your weekly plans and more.

Productivity Sprint Before the Holidays

We are doing a productivity sprint with our teammates! To help us do that, we compiled this Holiday Calendar of Productivity.

Maximum Productivity for 5 Minutes per Day

Nothing is more important than workplace productivity, and our Holiday Calendar will help you get things done and stay sane until January.

15 days of Productivity Holiday Calendar

We called upon the holiday magic, and enlisted the help of a squirrel, to give you this Holiday Calendar of Productivity.